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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Quantifying the Complex Foundation of Shelter Design Decisions


The Language Needed to Measure Urban Design Decisions

The shelter capacity of land has been estimated and more land has been acquired when needed by converting/consuming agriculture, undeveloped areas, and/or natural settings. The entire concept of master planning has assumed that annexation can adjust for mistaken land use allocation and population growth.

Growing populations cannot survive without shelter for their many activities, but it seems obvious that land is not infinite and must be shared with the Natural Domain to protect our source of life from eventual consumption.

Surveying defines land areas. It does not define the shelter capacity of land or its environmental significance. This has made land a commodity. The result has been the lack of general recognition that the land areas we define must be consciously managed, conserved, protected, preserved, and shared as a source of life. The lack of a common, consistent language of mathematically correlated shelter capacity evaluation has produced inconsistent decisions leading to sprawl, excessive intensity, and random land consumption.

A honeybee knows better. It builds limited shelter; grows in limited quantities; feeds in limited areas; and pollinates in return for consumption. It responds to the Law of Limits on a planet that responds to a universe beyond our comprehension. We have yet to create a language of shelter capacity evaluation that can build any segment of comparable knowledge or contribution, and the planet does not compromise with ignorance.


Shelter capacity is first a function of the building design category chosen among six in the Shelter Division of the Built Domain. Until now, shelter has never been classified by mathematically useful building design categories. The design specification decisions related to each category and occupant activity have never been comprehensively identified or correlated with the algorithms needed to measure and/or predict shelter capacity, intensity, intrusion, and context options for any given area.

The shelter capacity of a given land area is a function of the building design category forecast model chosen; the values entered in its design specification template for each topic listed; and the floor quantity options considered. The result is a correlated mathematical prediction of shelter capacity options in sq. ft. per acre and the intensity, intrusion, and context implications related to each.

Shelter capacity decisions determine the scope of activity that can be contained within the gross building area per buildable acre measured, planned, or predicted. The nature of this activity combines with shelter capacity and intensity to determine the revenue and investment potential of the buildable land area occupied.

The correlation of mathematical decisions and floor quantity options in a design specification template produces gross building area options and related shelter capacity, intensity, intrusion, and context implications. These implications are measurements of the physical relationships involving building mass, parking, pavement, and unpaved open space that combine with movement, open space, and life support systems to form the places within our Built Domain.


An informed allocation of capacity, intensity, and activity within a city can make the evaluation of financial stability more than an annual guessing game. It will, however, require the participation of data science and the correlation of many related data silos with the leadership calculation and evaluation of shelter capacity alternatives. It is the only way to provide shelter for growing populations within limited geographic areas defined to protect and preserve their quality and source of life. It is a fundamental physical issue.

The consistent measurement of shelter capacity, intensity, activity, and revenue from every acre within a city makes the evaluation and accumulation of knowledge feasible. The implications are significant. The knowledge will offer the opportunity to mathematically correlate and monitor a city’s land use allocation plan. This will make it possible to produce and maintain an average economic yield per acre equal to or greater than a city’s expense per acre. The implied objective is to establish, afford, and maintain financial stability that can produce a desirable quality of life within limited geographic areas.


I’m including a brief example of shelter capacity forecasting in Table 1. It will be quite repetitious for previous readers but will provide an example of a tool that can be used at joint meetings of planners, investors, developers, and advisers to mutually evaluate options, reach decisions, and define objections before the expense of graphic evaluation begins. In fact, hundreds of spreadsheet options can be evaluated in the time it would take to sketch one.

The entire collection of forecast models is meant to introduce a mathematical language of correlated design specifications to replace comparable but partial and mathematically uncorrelated zoning regulations. Consistent measurement and evaluation of existing conditions based on a comparable, correlated set of design specification topics can build knowledge regarding their implications and future leadership parameters.


I have explained Table 1 many times, so I’ll keep it brief. The table is a forecast model that applies to the CG1L building design category. This category includes all buildings served by a surface parking lot around, but not under, the building on the same designated premise.

The shelter capacity options in cells F44-F53 of Table 1 are predicted from the specification values entered in its shaded cells. The results may be occupied by any permitted activity. The scope of activity is affected by the shelter capacity measured, predicted, planned, and/or available.

The correlation of capacity, intensity, and activity produces a context measurement that combines with location to determine the revenue potential of the land area involved. The allocation of these relationships on every taxable parcel/acre of land within a city’s boundaries determines its total average revenue per acre. This must equal a city’s total annual operating, maintenance, improvement, and debt service expense per acre, or budget cuts ensue. The public reaction to the municipal services provided is a measure of its context allocation success and ability to explain its decisions.

Lines (a-e) identify the forecast model in Table 1. Line (g) identities the Design Specification Template. Line 2 identifies the Land Module in the specification template. The shaded cells in the module identify the locations requiring design specification decisions. The values entered are simply for illustration. The text to the left of the values explains the topic. Column G converts all values to their sq. ft. equivalents.

The Core Module in Table 1 begins after the Land Module. The shaded cells in the Core Module continue to designate design specification locations. The CORE value found in cell F33 is correlated from all specification values entered in both modules. It is converted to a sq. ft. value in cell G33, and is needed by the master equation in cell B39. Parking specification values are entered in shaded cells B35, B36. Optional floor quantity values are entered in cells A44-A53. All specification values entered are correlated for use by the master equation to find the gross building area options in cells B44-B53 of the Planning Forecast Panel. All other predictions in the Planning and Implication Modules are functions of these gross building area predictions.


The values in cells J44-J53 of Table 1 are context measurements. They are a function of the capacity, intensity, and intrusion options calculated in the preceding columns. I originally designated the column as containing dominance values (DOM) but have since come to believe that context measurement (CXT) is a better title indicating the entire range of options that can result from a design specification.


There are 27 shaded design specification topics in Table 1. The first is a given land area that can be of any size. Eleven of the ensuing topics in the Land and Core Modules involve percentage decisions that can range from 0-100%. The values in cells F27-28 and A35-36 of the Core Module involve integer decisions and a more limited range of options. The column of floor quantity options in Column A44-53 is often limited by a zoning ordinance, but the potential list of choices can range beyond 100. I’ll make my point in the ensuing paragraphs.

Each specification topic requires a mathematical entry/design decision even if it is zero. Changing one or more values assigned to any shaded specification topic produces revised results in the Planning Forecast Panel and Implications Module. I’ll ignore the whole number topics and the given land area. I’ll limit the floor quantity range of choices to 100 to simplify this explanation.

The 12 topics involving decisions ranging from 1-100 in Table 1 represent a relatively infinite spectrum of low to high intensity combinations associated with the CGL1 building design category, which is the simplest of the six building design classifications. Twelve specification topics times 100 potential options each produces a great number of potential combinations. The factorial of 1200 is 6.3507890863e+3175. This can also be written as 6.3507890863 x 103175, or 63507890863+3165 more digits. If I added an estimate of 2360 for the potential fixed number specification options in the model, the total potential design choices would be 4560 and the potential number combinations would be 5.31404665706133 x 1014706.

This is the first time I have come to recognize the true complexity of the physical design decision process, the experience required to navigate these options, and the scope of research/knowledge required to improve a leadership language that currently uses intuition, talent, contradictory regulations, and missing information to produce random results. We need to more thoroughly understand the implications of the options involved and improve our ability to comprehensively, consistently lead these decisions toward desired outcomes within geographic limits designed to protect both our quality and source of life.


The design specification values entered in the shaded cells of Table 1 are examples of the decisions that must be correlated and led to consistently achieve desired results from the CG1L building design category. Without leadership, the options available to every owner, developer, real estate investor, architect, landscape architect, urban designer, civil engineer, city planner, and so on are too vast to expect results capable of consistently avoiding sprawl, excessive intensity, and continuing consumption of land that is also our source of life.

Table 1 represents one forecast model that can be used to measure and evaluate our past physical design performance, build knowledge, and improve results with a leadership language based on the mathematical knowledge acquired. It is one model in a city design portfolio of models. The portfolio choices are not a substitute for architectural form, function, and appearance decisions. They precede them. The topic values involved are meant to lay an urban design foundation of building mass, parking, pavement, and unpaved open space quantity decisions. These define massing composition/relationships that will be refined during the ensuing phases of design and construction.

City design is a strategic concept meant to achieve the goal of sustainable, symbiotic survival. Urban design defines an objective that must be achieved to move toward the goal. The specification topics in shelter capacity evaluation represent a leadership language. The value decisions assigned require mathematical correlation. These invisible decisions can lead many others to produce the visible, physical, three-dimensional form, function, and appearance of shelter that symbolizes the entire scope of knowledge acquired.


Four topics in Table 1 deserve special mention.

Unpaved Open Space

Cell F11 is a critical but often ignored specification. The 30% unpaved open space specified determines the amount of impervious cover that will produce stormwater runoff. In this example, the related storm sewer capacity must be able to accommodate the runoff from 70% impervious cover. This relationship has often been ignored for many reasons. One of which is the pipe size cost to accommodate the demand. Cell F11 is included to attract attention to this important planning/engineering coordination issue.

Area per Parking Space and Associated Circulation Drive Area

Cell A35 is another topic often ignored and included here to gain design attention. The sq. ft. planned per parking space and its related circulation aisle can be minimized to eliminate landscape relief and increase the parking spaces provided. The debate over function and appearance versus parking capacity affects achievable gross building area and needs careful consideration and commitment based on convincing research.

Number of Parking Spaces

Cell A36 is one of the most hotly contested topics in zoning regulation. It defines the number of parking spaces required for a given land use category and building area. The argument generally surrounds an applicant’s proposed activity and the number of parking spaces the activity requires. It often involves a conflict between experience and regulation that ignores the fact that parking deficiencies will apply to future owners. These deficiencies may affect the value/revenue potential of the land and building(s) to both the city and future owners. It is another fundamental topic that needs careful leadership attention, but the demands of a specific activity will always make a general regulation controversial.

Building Height

Cells A44-A53 display a limited range of building height options that can be changed with a few keystrokes to examine the implications of other options. It is another typical zoning regulation that is often hotly contested, but with a limited understanding of the implications. These are shown in the Implication Module of Table 1, but it is like reading blood pressure readings with no prior diagnostic history. It is no wonder that fear attends increasing building height proposals at the present time.

All building height options are not undesirable. If they were there would be no shelter for man. The potential range may suffer from generalizations that come with a lack of measurement, evaluation, and debate. There is much to learn regarding the social and economic quality of life produced by building design categories, design specification choices, and related floor quantity decisions that define the form and fabric of the Shelter Division in our Built Domain.


We have depended on market forces to determine the scope of shelter capacity required by growing populations. Growth has been met with supply given the assumption that land is a commodity without end. Municipal economic deficiencies have been met with the annexation of land for new revenue that may again prove inadequate as the annexation ages, prompting more annexation and sprawl. Encircled cities worry that they have no land for annexation to compensate for budget deficiencies.

We have not learned how to correlate shelter capacity, intensity, activity, and location to produce economic stability within limited geographic areas that protect our quality and source of life; but we cannot continue indefinitely on our random path without finding a solution. It will inevitably involve data science, and the formation of shelter capacity strategy based on the correlation of technical knowledge from many related professional disciplines.

Walter M. Hosack: August 2024

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