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Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Science of City Design

The Science of City Design introduces the perspective, format, vocabulary, language, measurement, and forecasting ability needed to shelter the activities of growing human populations within a limited Built Domain that protects their quality and source of life – The Natural Domain.

Editions 1 and 2 of Land Development Calculations by the same author introduced a tool entitled "Development Capacity Evaluation" on a CD-ROM. The Science of City Design introduces the knowledge that was required to create the tool so that the effort can become a building block for future generations.

Our challenge is to visualize, measure, predict, and establish a sustainable relationship between the cities we build to shelter human activity and the source of life we consume in the process. The Plant and Animal kingdoms of Linnaeus have been superseded by two worlds on a single planet - The Built and Natural Domains. The Science of City Design introduces a new language of design categories, specification values, architectural algorithms, master equations, shelter capacity predictions, and intensity calculations that can be used to discuss the issue and define leadership alternatives in terms that can repeat success without duplicating physical composition, context, and appearance. The book can be found on the web site and at

If you would like a free desk copy for evaluation, please submit your mailing address, a URL address showing your position as a professor in an accredited institution for higher learning, and a brief explanation of its potential use with the e-mail option on the author profile page.

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