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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Core Area Restrictions on Shelter Capacity

This is the third essay in a trilogy. The first two were entitled “The Future of Cities” and “Understanding a Building Footprint”.

NOTE: All tables referenced are located after the text 

When parking is required, core area is the buildable land area remaining for shelter and parking after a number of support areas are subtracted from gross land area. Shelter capacity is affected by the building design category chosen, the core land area available, and the building height contemplated. This essay is based on a G1 Design Category that depends on surface parking and building footprint areas that combine to equal the total core land area available. The emphasis here is on available quantity.  It has nothing to do with preliminary or final site plan configuration. This definition of core area makes the formation of shelter capacity equations feasible.
In some cases an architect will know the gross land area available and the objective will be to calculate its gross building area potential - Case 1. (I’ve covered Case 1 in two previous essays entitled, “The Future of Cities” and “Understanding a Building Footprint”.) In other cases the architect will know the gross building area desired and the objective will be to calculate the buildable land area required - Case 2. In some cases the gross land area available and the gross building area objective is known, but this essay is based on Case 2. The answer in both cases depends on the core land area remaining. In Case 2 it is an unknown to be discovered.
Table 1 is related to Case 1. It illustrates the subtraction that leads to the definition of core area in cell F32 and G32 based on the gross land area given in cell F3. (The percentage estimates and calculations in cells F3-F31 lead to the core area estimation in cell F32.)
Table 2 is related to Case 2 and does not begin with a given gross land area. It illustrates the distillation of core area in cell F32 based on the percentage estimates and calculations in cells F3-F31. No square foot land areas are given or calculated.
I introduced the G1 Building Design Category and its Case 1 master equation entitled G1.L1 in “The Future of Cities”.
GBA = CORE * af / (a + (fs))

a –              gross building area square feet permitted per parking space provided

CORE –     buildable land area available for building and parking cover in square feet

f –               floor quantity

GBA –       gross building area potential in square feet

s –              gross parking lot area provided per parking space provided in square feet
The equation solves for an unknown gross building area (GBA) when land area is given, but can be transposed to solve for the core land area needed when a gross building area objective is given:
1)      CORE = GBA / af / (a + (fs))  Transposing master equation G1.L1

2)      CORE = GBA / (a2f + af2s)  Reducing line 1

3)      CORE = GBA / (af * (a + fs))  Reducing line 2
Defining core land area is not the answer to the question posed, however. It is the first step in the derivation:

4)      CORE = CORE% * SHA  When shelter area (SHA) in sq. ft. is known

5)      SHA = SHA% * BLA  When buildable land area in sq. ft. is known

6)      CORE = CORE% * SHA% * BLA  Substituting line 5 for SHA in line 4

7)      CORE = GBA / (af * (a + fs))  Repeat line 3

8)      GBA * ((a + (fs)) / af) = CORE% * SHA% * BLA  Substituting line 7 for CORE in line 6

9)      GBA * (a +(fs)) = CORE% * SHA% * BLA * (af)  Reducing line 8

10)    BLA = (GBA * (a + (fs))) / (CORE% * SHA% * (af))  Transposing line 8 to find Equation G1.B1.BLA
Equation G1.B1.BLA on line 10 is located in cell A38 of Table 2. It is used to calculate the buildable land area options in cells B43-B52 of the table. At this point, the equations in cells C42-L42 are used to calculate additional option columns related to the floor quantity options in cells A43-A52. Shelter capacity, intensity, intrusion, and dominance measurements related to each option are calculated in Columns G-L of the Planning Forecast Panel.
I should again point out that floor quantity above 5 produces rapidly declining gains in gross building area per floor when the G1 Design Category is chosen for shelter construction. This was discussed in “The Future of Cities”.
The buildable land area in cell F9 of Table 2 is estimated to be 82% of the gross land area needed (GLA). An estimate of this gross land area can be simply expressed as:
              GLA = BLA / BLA%
In other words, a GLA estimate can be defined with the following revision to Equation G1.B1.BLA
              GLA = (GBA * (a + (fs))) / (CORE% * SHA% * BLA% * (af))  Master Equation G1.B1
Master Equation G1.B1 is one of 25 related to the building design categories listed in Table 3 and presented in my book, The Science of City Design, CreateSpace, 2016. The derivation of Equation G1.B1.BLA can be found on page 154, lines 62-67. The book, and the second edition of my earlier book entitled Land Development Calculations, can be found on at the following address:

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